Der Clubvorstand:
Michael Beth, DJ5LB
Volker Heck, DL3VH
145.475 MHz
430.175 MHz
DMR (Brandmeister)
Talkgroup #262611
Repeater: DF0MOT
In 2011 during the state event "Hessentag" (June 10th - 19th 2011) in the city Oberursel, Germany, we want to meet all of our twin towns via ham radio. Oberursel has four twin towns, Épinay-sur-Seine (France), Lomonosov / Oranienbaum / Ломоносов (Russia), Rushmoor (England) and Koggenland / Ursem (Netherlands). We are looking forward to meet ham radio operators from all of these regions on air.
If you are from one
of the twin towns or living near by please contact us. We are searching
for ham radio operators and local ham radio clubs / radio societies for
this event. You can send a E-Mail to Daniel, DD7DKA, public relations officer, with your contact details (Name, Call, E-Mail).
Twin town of Oberursel since May 16th 1964
Location: Map Link Wikipedia: Épinay-sur-Seine
Twin town of Oberursel since June 6th 2004
Twin town of Oberursel since December 12th 1971
(Menu "De gemeente" - "Dorpskernen" - "Ursem")
ham radio operators from Épinay-sur-Seine (FR), Lomonosov (RU), Rushmoor (GB), Koggenland / Ursem (NL)
between June 10th - 19th 2011
ham radio, band / frequency information will be published in time.